Company KTS, spol. s r.o. , is private company focused on mechanical engineering developement  and custom production of  various machines and equipments. Company was founded in 1993 by transformation of department of  construction and developement  single-purpose machines  a.s. TATRA Bánovce nad Bebravou.

Working orientation of our company is varied and its depend on requirements of cusomers  . We have all sort of activities  , from developing and production of new technological devices to modernization of various older machines . Company has own construction capabilities  , documentation is  processed in 3D and our specialists are able to process it  completly,  including pneumatics, hydraulics and electroautomatic .
Production capacities, have character of montage, machining and welding  manufacture. Production of components exceeding our production capabilities are ensured in cooperation.

Management Organization:

KTS spol. s r.o.  operates in a sector that determines the nature of the production process. It is an custom production type, in some cases small-series or serial, which requires technical and personal  difficulty of securing the production process. We place great emphasis especially for the selection of workers. Order production with specific requirements of customer requires high qualified personel standards .

We also pay attention to regulations  in the field of occupational health and safety. Regularly provide training for workers to avoid  occupational accidents and injuries at the workplace.